#7. Create a blog post about anything technology related that interests you
Being so far away from home you can imagine how much I miss my family.
But thanks God and to the advanced technology that we have nowdays I can call my parents sometimes several times a day and I can afford to spend hours on the phone because it is so cheap(1 cent/min).More than that in some countries from Europe (ex.Italy , where I have a lot of friends ) I can talk for free if call on a regular phone. Can you imagine that? Is hard to believe , but true.
Using your computer to talk with other people around the globe is becoming more commonplace and cheaper.
Voip Stunt http://www.voipstunt.com/en/index.html is one of the most eye -catching of Skype copycats.Like I said before is so cheap that offers free call from your PC in a wide range of countries including UK , Germany , France , Spain ,Canada , Australia and the US.Not only that offers the cheapest rates but also you can use it to send extra cheap text.
There are a couple points you should consider.For starters to use Voip you need to have a credit account in order to make phonecalls.The minimum top-ups is only about 12$ and credit remains in your account for 120 days.
Things have been changed , a few years ago people could stay in touch using email or messeging.However, now, not only can you initiate a call from your PC to regular phones for free, you can also get a free number for incoming calls.
Getting in touch with someone on the other side of the planet is becoming as easy as talking to your next-door neighbour these days.
11 July, 2007
Free Internet calls
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4:58 PM