Stefan Banica is one of the best Romanian singer.The theme of the song is living a lifetime with your other half.
Nu stiu ce-a fost in capul meu atunci
Te-am luat de soatza ca sa nu mai plangi
N-aveai nici zestre cum era firesc
Cu toate astea te iubesc, femeie (femeie).
'Era bine totusi daca aduceai si tu ceva.'
M-ai pus sa-ti cant spre seara sub balcon
Sa-nvat balade la acordeon
Vecinii tai ma-njurau regesc
Cu toate astea te iubesc, femeie (femeie).
'Puteam sa le zic si eu cateva.'
O vreau asa cum este ea
Sunt norocos ca e a mea.
'E, nu te umfla in pene ca n-am zis io
Asa e textul.'
Ai vrea s-aveam vreo 4-5 copii
Cu ce-o sa-i crestem numai tu oi stii
Ma pui la treaba pana obosesc
Cu toate astea te iubesc, femeie (femeie).
'Ce vrei, am si eu tainingul meu.'
Tu vrei sa prindem nunta de argint
Pe mine ma ia spaima, nu te mint
Un sfert de secol o sa-nnebunesc
Cu toate astea te iubesc, femeie (femeie).
'Doamne, 25 de ani !'
'Ti-am spus, nu te mai umfla in pene
Asa e cantecul.'
'Acesta e fost o trompeta.'
'Aceasta nu stiu ce-a fost.'
'Nu te umfla in..., dar nici nu ma mai obosesc sa-ti spun.'
Iar cand se intampla sa imi fie rau
Esti langa mine cu tot sufletul tau
Imi dai curaj, m-ajuti sa reusesc
Si uite de-asta te iubesc femeie, (femeie).
25 August, 2007
Stefan Banica Jr. - Te iubesc femeie
Posted by
4:14 AM
24 August, 2007
Podcasts.Video & Downloadable
#20. Discover YouTube and a few sites that allow users to upload and share videos.
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Other popular video hosting sites:
Yahoo Videos, Google videos, Others - top video site list
Posted by
1:41 PM
#19.Discover any site from the Web2.0 awards list New internet technologies and web-sites that are empowering users with the ability to create and share content.
I chose to explore
It's book search engine....similar with you can find books by author ,title....or if you want to buy used books you can buy them for 2 dolars.
Posted by
1:39 PM
Web-based applications-Google Doc
Discovery exercise
I explored both Zoho Writer and Google Docs . I created a free account for both of them but when I tried to post my document with the Zoho Writer it didn't worked out ....even if I followed all the steps that I had to in order to do that...anyway I post my picture with Google Doc..and here's my picture.
Posted by
1:37 PM
23 August, 2007
#18.Take a look at some online productivity (word processing ,spread sheets)tools .
Web-based applications provide users with the ability to create and share documents over internet without the need of installed desktop applications.
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Short listing of some of the free web-based options that are available as alternatives for traditional desktop office suite applications
Posted by
11:07 AM
22 August, 2007
#17. Add an entry to the Learning 2.0 Sandbox .wikis
Sandbox is the term that wikis often use to describe the area of website that should be used for pure play.
Discovery exercise
Add your blog to the favorite blogs page:
Posted by
8:41 AM