# 6. Have some Flickr fun and discover some Flickr mashups & 3rd party sites
Flickr has an open Application Programming Interface (API).
API is a source code interface that a computer system or a program library provides to support requests for services to be made of it by a computer program.That means that anyone can write their own program to present to the public.
There is a long list of API methods to work with.
Third Party Flickr Apps List:
1. fd's Flickr Toys by Fd= http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/= you can find fun toys for playing with photos or extremly useful tools that you haven't had.
2. Trip Planner by Yahoo! Travel= http://travel.yahoo.com/trip =website that lets you build a travel itinerary with your hotel , restaurants , attractions . maps , driving directions.
3. Flock by Flock =http://www.flock.com/ = you can collect favorite photos , videos and text from the web and blog them instantly.
4. Shozu by Shozu = http://www.shozu.com/portal/tour.do?refid=/flickr/&ref=http://www.flickr.com/services/= is the easiest way to upload photos from your phone to your Flickr phfotostream.
To find out more go to http://www.flickr.com/services/
Mashups is a website or application that combines content from more than one source into an integrated experience.content used in a mashups is typically sourced from third party via public interface(API) ....in other words mashups is a hybrid web application that take features from one applications and mash it up with another one (like a map)..and you get Mappr= .http://www.mappr.com/.(ex.FlickrColor Pickr=
11 July, 2007
Flickr services
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4:06 PM