#23.Final thoughts
23 Things was a great and interesting experience for me .
It was the first time I had to deal with online learning .Now I have a " clue" what online learning means : figure it out by yourself .
From this point of view 23 Things was a challenging experience .
Being a stubborn person I didn't give up easily even if I had to spend more time on certain tasks.
As you can see my blog doesn't have "personality" .
I didn't express my thoughts about the tasks we had to accomplish , like other participants did.
The reason is I wanted to summarize the 23 Things as I mentioned when I registered my blog. So instead of seeing my thoughts you will see definitions which for some people might have been seen as useless but for me (I am not an native English speaker) has a great value , because this course about the latest technologies in USA libraries,(meaning all the terminology) is new for me.
I want to know exactly what I did and how I did , if I ever check my blog again .I know I will.
Like I said before , 23 Things was a great and valuable experience which gave me an overview of the latest technologies in USA libraries.
27 August, 2007
Posted by
4:49 AM
#22.Learn about audio books
I explored both NetLibraryandProject Gutenberg .I sign up for Netlibrary .
I consider these two easy to navigate and interesting .I download Jane Austen's Prde and prejudice.
Posted by
4:48 AM
#21. Discover some useful tools for locating podcasts:
Podcast is used to refer to a non-musical audio or video broadcast that is distributed over the Internet.
The difference between a podcast and a regular streaming audio or video is often done automatically through RSS.
Podcasts take many forms , from short 1-10 minutes commentaries to much longer interviews or panel group discussions.
Podcasts directories :
iTunes,-requires download
Yahoo Podcasts
MERLIN podcasting learning link -how libraries are using podcast
Discovery exercise:
I subscribed the RSS feeds of library geeks, library channel,ESL. to my bloglines account.
-library geeks -
-library channel- http://ia340925.us.archive.org/3/items/TheASULibraryChannel/EP49_FacTeamIntro.mp3
-English as a second language podcast.-http://cache.libsyn.com/eslpod/ESLPod298.mp3
Posted by
4:47 AM